Our Origin
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Who We Are
Gitanjali Foundation is a non-profit making organization committed towards sustainable development of the Dalits, tribal and minority people living in poverty and privation in the backward rural area.
Gitanjali Foundation is a non-communal, non- political and non-profit making NGO at the state level. Gitanjali Foundation is committed towards the all-round and sustainable development of the poor and marginalized segment of the society with a prime focus on the under- privileged women and children belonging to tribal, dalits and minority communities. Gitanjali Foundation works for the empowerment and sustainable development of dis-advantaged and deprived rural communities in backward villages in Birbhum, Bardhaman and Murshidabad District in West Bengal. The main activities of the foundation include but are not limited to promotion of quality-based education, women’s rights, gender equality, livelihood promotion through skill development, agricultural development, community health, environmental protection programme, disaster management and emergency relief programme.
Our Origin
The genesis of the organization dates back to 2012. A group of village educated youths was moved to see the pitiable condition of the tribal, dalit and minority women and children living in utter neglect in different backward villages in Birbhum district in West Bengal. The women and children belonging to backward communities were school drop-outs from the primary or secondary level. Due to indifferent attitude of the parents, poverty and lack of child-friendly atmosphere in the school, the poor children used to drop out from school. There was also no arrangement to provide quality-based and value-based education to the children in a child friendly atmosphere. Their parents were mainly marginal farmers, share-croppers or landless agricultural laborers. The agriculture was mainly mono-cropped and the agricultural productivity was very less. Agriculture could provide employment to the persons engaged in agriculture for hardly 80 days in a year. So, they had no livelihood security and lived in crushing poverty being denied all the basic needs of life. A group of educated youth of the locality got united under the leadership of a brilliant young man belonging to backward minority communities and they felt a genuine urge to change the scenario. It was not an easy task. They faced different odds and impediments. But no obstacle could dissuade the band of dedicated youth. Their commitment was translated into action with the establishment of Gitanjali Foundation in the year 2012. The organization was later on registered under Indian Trust Act in 2014. It was a humble beginning. With the silent and stealthy march of time the seedling which was planted 9 years back has been turned into a banyan tree.