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Sainthia Nursing Institution
Rampurhat Nursing Institution

Sainthia Nursing Institute
Mayurakshi College of Pharmacy (Proposed)

Preventive health Education

Mother and Child Care programme

Generation and Screening
The 2nd Camp was conducted on 5.9.2021. 59 rural men and women attended the camp.
The 3rd camp was conducted on 7.11.2022. 48 rural men and women attended the camp.
Occupational Health Hazards

Activities on Sleep health and its related disorder.
Sleep health is a crucial problem in India. The bulk of the population are quite in the dark abut sleep health. In particular, the Vulnerable community including indigenous people, minority people and LGBT people who are mainly semi-literate or non-literate are ignorant about sleep health and sleep health related disorder are worst sufferers.They mainly maintain their livelihood by working as daily wage earners. Due to poverty, low income and uncertainity about source of income and resultant tension they suffer from sleep related disorder which causes their different diseases. Due to high rate of morbidity they frequently absent themselves from their work. Loss of days from work means loss of wages and loss of income which ultimately perpetuates their poverty. To address those problems Gitanjali Foundation has been working on sleep health and sleep health related disorder for the last 8 years. The Organisation has been mainly conducting awareness and screening and camps on sleep health and sleep health related disorder among the Vulnerable people at the community level. The awareness and screening camps are not only making the targeted people aware about sleep health and sleep health related disorder but also screening at risk people for identifying people suffering from sleep health realed disorder. They are referred to local health providers for necessary care and tratment. They are regularly followed up.